

发布时间:2023-02-27 09:12:02 作者:定制工业设计网 5






  Product color page design: from nothing to build a professional image

  Product color page design is an important marketing tool that can help enterprises to show product features, selling points, to attract customer attention. So, how to design a attractive product color page?

  Product color page design should focus on image shaping, designers need to create according to the product features and user groups. Product color page can be in the form of single or multiple, can be in the form of posters or booklet. No matter what form is adopted, should focus on the display of the image, moved customers.

  For the display of product color page text, designers need to arrange according to the product features and user groups. The text should be concise and clear, highlight the key points, and get rid of redundancy. For the choice of pictures, designers need to choose according to the product image, avoid using too abstract pictures.

  In addition, designers also need to pay attention to the layout of product color page, to avoid using too complicated design, let the user immediately. Color page design needs to be combined with the characteristics of the product and user groups to make planning, in order to achieve marketing effect.